John C. G. Röhl

John C. G. Röhl (born 1938) is a British historian.

Originally from London, England, Röhl taught in Germany. He then became a professor of European history at the University of Sussex. He is a leading expert of the Wilhelmine German Empire, having written a two-volume biography of Emperor William II.

Books by John C. G. Röhl

Kaiser Wilhelm II New Interpretations : The Corfu Papers - September 2005

Wilhelm II : The Kaiser's Personal Monarchy, 1888-1900 - August 2004

Wilhelm II - January 2001

Wilhelm II - January 2001

Purple Secret : Genes, 'madness' and the Royal Houses of Europe - January 1999

Young Wilhelm : The Kaiser's Early Life, 1859-1888 - December 1998

The Kaiser and His Court : Wilhelm II and the Government of Germany - September 1996

The Kaiser and His Court : Wilhelm II and the Government of Germany - December 1994

Der Ort Kaiser Wilhelms II. in Der Deutschen Geschichte - January 1991

Kaiser, Hof Und Staat : Wilhelm II. Und Die Deutsche Politik - January 1988

Philipp Eulenburgs Politische Korrespondenz - January 1983

From Bismarck to Hitler : The Problem of Continuity in German History - January 1970


This article incorporates information from the revision as of July 13, 2006 of the equivalent article on the German Wikipedia.